Asynchronous Communication Assistants
Analog humans are digital beings, mainly designed as assistants for asynchronous communication with video conference calls while working remotely. It mainly addresses the timezone problem. Imagine it's Friday evening and you want to hang out with friends but have a team meetup, you can simply talk to Analog human and it will attend the call instead of you.
  • Easy training
    No need of tedious written communication, Analog human will learn by talking to you
  • Cognitive capabilities
    Human-like cognitive capabilities, to seamlessly integrate like real humans on video conference calls
  • Emotions
    Human-like emotions
Explanatory Video
What it is and how does it work
Emotional Intelligence
They express both positive and negative emotions and authentically charm people.
The digital human interface, unlike the other popular solutions, doesn't solely rely on audio, but has its emotion module, for that reason, the uncanny valley problem is being solved.
Latest Events
Analog humans have been exposed at prominent Digital Fashion Week Milan. The event was held in Factory NoLo (Home of Emotions) on February 29, 2024. In the future, Analog humans will dress in digital clothes as we do IRL.

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